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Recognition of Southern West Yiradyuri is critical to the future of our People and Country

Southern West Yiradyuri people have an inherent responsibility to uphold our lore, law, values and expectations.

Our services acknowledge this responsibility and we encourage all people, groups, businesses, governments and institutions to engage with our organisation on matters relating to, or impacting upon, Aboriginal culture, heritage, land, water and the sky within Southern West Yiradyuri Country. Our services you will find on this page are:

  1. Bio-Cultural Governance
  2. Cultural Heritage
  3. Natural Resource Management
  4. Cultural Ceremonies
  5. Language and Naming
  6. Cultural Education and Consultancy

Aboriginal Bio-Cultural Governance

Bio-Cultural Governance covers the responsibility of any person, corporation or agency inheriting, leasing or purchasing land and waters, the resources on or within these lands and waters to care for this land according to Original Biodiversity and Kinship responsibility and customary standards. Bio-Cultural Governance regulates and manages production and trade and the moral, social, ecological and Kinship responsibility for the conservation and farming of plants and aquatic life.

We provide:

  • Bio-Cultural Governance to restore provenance and the Original Kinship stories of Southern West Yiradyuri Country.
  • Original Biodiversity mapping of Southern West Yiradyuri Country.
  • Plant identification and selection for specific areas of Country (i.e. restoring original biodiversity and ecology).
  • Southern West Yiradyuri language services for place naming, etc.
  • Vegetation (replanting, screening, forests etc.) for a wide range of applications big and small.
Aboriginal Bio-Cultural Governance Enquiry

Price on application.

Cultural Heritage

We recognise the importance of our Culture and Heritage – our significant places and landscapes, our stories and language, our customs and practices and our responsibilities for looking after Country. We take our obligation and responsibility for Land, Water and Sky Country seriously.
Southern West Yiradyuri people hold the knowledge of many cultural story and creation sites and places which are not recorded in the AIHMS Database. Our knowledge of Country is unmatched and engagement with the Corporation prior to any activity on our Country is required.
Our dedicated team of Aboriginal archaeologists, environmental experts and field assessors deliver end to end cultural heritage services for any application.

The services we offer include:
  • Cultural heritage agreements, assessments & management plans (CHMP, CHIA, ACHIS etc.) and reports
  • Coordinate field staff for ground works
  • Construction methodology
  • Landscaping and plant selection and vegetation restoration
  • Liaise with government departments on behalf of developers
  • Negotiate public open space requirements
  • Permit applications
  • Land management consultancy with catchment authorities and local government departments
  • Salvage and repatriation of ancestral remains and artefacts – advise on the preservation of Aboriginal material and other culture and heritage
  • Cultural heritage awareness inductions, and introduction to Country
Cultural Heritage Service Enquiry

Price on application.

Natural Resource Management

At Southern West Yiradyuri Natural Resource Management service, our expert team excels in landscape management, pest control, revegetation, land and waterway restoration, as well as general landscape and infrastructure maintenance. We are equipped to handle various construction and forestry projects, always prioritising safety and cultural standards.

The services we offer include:
  •  Joint management
  • Planting and revegetation
  • Large scale vegetation and screening
  • Invasive plant and animal species removal and monitoring
  • Native garden – landscaping and gardening
  • Forest floor gardening and harvesting
  • Seed collecting
  • Research and development
  • Waterway research, monitoring and restoration
Natural Resource Management Service Enquiry (#10)

Price on application.

Ceremonies - Welcome to Country, Smoking Ceremony and Cultural Dancing

All ceremony requests within the Southern West Yiradyuri area are to be made through the Southern West Yiradyuri Clans Land, Water and Sky Country Aboriginal Corporation. The Corporation's Elders determine appropriateness of any ceremonies before confirmation of requests and recommended ceremony.

Our tradition services:
  • Welcome to Country Ceremony: Under our traditional laws and customs, the Southern West Yiradyuri people have a responsibility to welcome visitors to Country and ensure they understand their responsibility whilst visiting. Price on application.
  • Smoking Ceremony: Participating in a Smoking Ceremony is a sign of good intentions and respect. The purpose of a Smoking Ceremony is to cleanse ourselves of the bad spirits and energy and replace it with good spirits and energy A smoking ceremony is only available for certain events and will not be delivered publicly.  Price on application.
  • Cultural Dance Ceremony: Many ceremonies hold special dances that allow Southern West Yiradyuri to tell stories, share knowledge, celebrate and pay respect. Price on application.
Welcome to Country Service Enquiry

We do not provide 'Tradition - Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony' services outside of Southern West Yiradyuri Country.

Sorry, but we are not able to assist you at this time.

Thank you.

Terms and Conditions

Next steps:

  1. Once we recieve this enquiry, a member of our team will contact you to confirm your booking.
  2. Once confirmed, the Corporation will issue an invoice for full payment.
  3. Payment must recieved by the Corporation eight (8) working days prior to the event date.

Respecting a Welcome to Country or Traditional Ceremony
A Welcome to Country is a traditional custom of cultural significance to Southern West Yiradyuri people. It is important that appropriate respect is given to those conducting a Welcome to Country. Visitors to Southern West Yiradyuri Country should show their respect for the continuing culture and traditions of Southern West Yiradyuri people in their traditional Country by observing cultural etiquette. This etiquette shall be advised, if necessary at the time of a Welcome to Country booking. We invite you to consider why you have booked a traditional ceremony and ask that you remain respectful and show your appreciation at the end of the ceremony. 

Notice required when requesting a Traditional Ceremony or Cultural Education
A request made to the Corporation, to conduct a Welcome to Country, Smoking Ceremony or cultural dancing must be made a minimum of two (2) weeks before the date of the event at which the ceremony is to be conducted. Where the required notice is given, the Corporation will respond to the request within a reasonable time. This time will be no less than two (2) business days after the initial request. Cultural Consultations may require the consideration of Elders and community. We request your understanding that these matters may take several weeks and occasionally beyond a month, to be determined.  

Fees involved in conducting a Traditional Ceremony
Where the Corporation approves a request to conduct a traditional ceremony, it will advise those making the request of the relevant fee involved. Fees for conducting a traditional ceremony or cultural education are listed above and reviewed annually. Where work is cancelled within 48 hours of the scheduled event, The Corporation will charge 50% of the rate, with field workers booked being paid appropriately.

Can I film or photograph a Traditional Ceremony?
A traditional ceremony is an individual expression created by the person conducting it and due respect should be given to its intent at all times. A cultural service is generally not for public broadcast (this includes social media). Requests to film/photograph a traditional ceremony should be made when booking a cultural service. Please note that a request does not guarantee approval.

Cancellation Fee
There will be a cancellation fee charged if a minimum notice of 24 hours has not been provided. This fee will be at the discretion of the Corporation at the time of the cancellation. This can be discussed with the person who has booked the service.

General Information
An email will be sent to confirm we have received your request.
Once a presenter is confirmed, we will pass on your Primary Contact Details to the presenter, and pass the primary contact details of the presenter to you.
It is anticipated you will make the presenter feel welcomed and that they can engage in the entirety of the event if they choose to do so.
An email will be sent to confirm that the tentative cultural service booking was completed, along with a request for any further details required, feedback regarding the service. The invoice will be sent directly from the Corporation.

Language and Naming

Language is fundamental to the identity and connection of Southern West Yiradyuri Peoples to all aspects of life. It is deeply embedded in both the natural and spiritual landscapes. Language is how we uphold our responsibility to our lore and customs. Ensuring the use of culturally appropriate language, whether Wiradyuri or English, is crucial for fostering respectful relationships.

The services we offer include:
  • Naming: the use of Wiradyuri language for the naming of things such as streets, places, buildings, businesses, documents etc.

    • We work closely with the Budyaan Wiradyuri Language Trust to ensure correct language and interpretation is being used.
    • Projects that impact communities are undertaken in partnership with each respective community. An example is the Griffith Hospital Naming project.
  • Language: considers the use of culturally appropriate language whether that be in Wiradyuri or English. This may include things like appropriate wording for Acknowledgment of Country.
  • Endorsement: A Letter of Endorsement is provided with our Language and Naming services.

Language and Naming

Price on application.

Cultural Education and Consultancy

Yiradyuri Education Vision

As Yiradyuri people, we hold a profound responsibility to ensure the inclusion of Yiradyuri ways of being and knowing in education programs and curricula. Recognising the pivotal role of education in providing opportunities for our communities and families, we envision a future where Yiradyuri daycare centres, primary and secondary schools, and even a university are commonplace.

Our Commitment to Yiradyuri Education:

We are committed to advancing Yiradyuri education and fostering positive educational outcomes. By integrating our knowledge into educational initiatives, we aim to build on existing, and create new environments where Yiradyuri knowledge, values, and traditions are not only respected but celebrated. Our vision extends beyond the present, paving the way for a future where Yiradyuri individuals can thrive academically, culturally, and personally.

Join us in shaping a future where Yiradyuri education flourishes, empowering generations to come.

The services we offer include:
  • Cultural Education: A Southern West Yiradyuri representative will come and speak about Aboriginal history, culture and heritage. This one hour session can be arranged in most locations (travel costs would be incurred).

  • Cultural Awareness and Safety Training: A Cultural Heritage presentation by a Southern West Yiradyuri representative educating the knowledge and understanding of the our culture. This session includes a presentation and a field trip to a special Yiradyuri place, and more broadly is part of a comprehensive cultural training program.
  • Cultural Competency Auditing: Designed to increase workplace cultural safety in practice, whilst strengthening relationships with Aboriginal communities and organisations.

  • Indigenous Cultural Intellectual Property (ICIP) permissions: This includes, but is not limited to, cultural knowledge, traditional language or artwork used in planned or existing projects including displays and interpretive signage, research or other initiatives that occur on Southern West Yiradyuri Country.
Cultural Education and Consultancy Service Enquiry

Price on application.